Food For Thought

"Labor unions would have us believe that they transfer income from rich capitalists to poor workers. In fact, they mostly transfer income from the large number of non-union workers to a small number of relatively well-off union workers." - Robert E. Anderson

Monday, February 14, 2011

What the Left Will Never Get

An article in The Daily Beast today reads, in part, thus:

"President Obama’s 2012 budget, set for release on Monday, projects a $1.65 trillion deficit this year—the largest on record.
Before you buy Republicans’ complaints about the deficit, however, keep this in mind: The main reason this year’s deficit is larger than expected is the deal to extend the Bush tax cuts, which the GOP pushed for."

Now, the Daily Beast is not known for being a paragon of unbiased reporting. Just last week, they crowed, in an article entitled "The Myth of Obama's Big Spending":

"Obama has slashed one tax dollar for every dollar he’s spent on government programs."

The Left, as well as the media elite, love to deride the Tea Party, calling them all sorts of names and portraying them alternatively as know-nothing rednecks or gun-toting domestic terrorists. It has been intuitively obvious that those who engage in these one-dimensional characterisations have no idea what the Tea Party movement was or is all about, nor have any idea of the reasons for the failure of so many incumbents (Democrats and Republicans) in last fall's elections. They miss the point, entirely.

The point of the Tea Party movement was and remains to hold Congress to the same standards that each one of us is held to; to hold them responsible for their spending; to hold them accountable for their actions and their promises. It is a rejection of "business as usual". It is not Left, it is not Right, it is not Liberal, it is not Conservative. It is a movement of, by and for the People to enforce their control -- their Constitutionally-guaranteed control -- of their Government.

So as budget time looms, those who lost power are, as predicted, trying every tactic to slander and change the facts. They are deliberately missing the point that lowering taxes is only one half of the equation. Without cutting spending significantly, we will continue to be in a status quo.

Think of it this way -- if you're getting paid $50,000 per year and your expenses are $60,000 per year, how much does it help to get a raise of $3,000 per year if you don't cut your spending? You're still in the hole and sinking, just not as fast! Ah, but you say, "Ok, I'll cut a dollar of spending for every dollar of my raise!" So now, you're cutting your spending to $57,000 per year and you've increased your income to $53,000 per year. Um.... you're still sinking!!!

Congress and the administration must be held accountable. We all have to learn to live within our means or we go broke. Government is the only entity that has been held exempt from that, and they're the ones who gave the exemption! They force everyone else to be solvent, but not themselves.

The People spoke, last November. They sent a message to their elected officials -- play by the rules we have to play by or be replaced, regardless of your party affiliation. We were and are sick of "business as usual" of the last two decades of Congress.

As I said when I started this blog, "There is one and only one thing that strikes fear into the heart of any politician - that is We the People." And a scared animal lashes out.

So take heart; the entrenched power elite are running scared. That sound of hoofbeats? It's We the People.

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